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Samadhi Tank

Samadhi Tank




Who We Are:

Since 1972, we have led the floatation tank industry in designing and manufacturing the highest quality, most distraction free devices in the world. Our tanks provide the best possible environment for exploring the extraordinary benefits of floating, which we have been honored to introduce to tens of thousands of people.

We started offering floating out of our home in 1973 and we opened the very first commercial floatation tank center in 1979. We have supplied or supported the design, construction and operation of hundreds of centers throughout the world, including in Auckland, Cuernavaca, Hong Kong, Kazakhstan, Moscow, Sao Paolo, Stockholm, Sydney, and Tokyo, to name a few.

We know more about floating than anyone else in the world; it's been our love and passion for over 45 years.

Why do more and more people Float every day?

The incessant demands of today's always-on, always-connected world have increased the need for carving out time and space for reflection, reinvigoration and distraction-free thinking.

Rather than have this opportunity once or twice a year during vacations Samadhi makes this experience available when and where you need it -- on a daily basis right in your own home or workplace.

The world is catching on.

Samadhi's Experience (The Expert Thing)

In 1972 Glenn Perry designed the first commercial isolation tank based upon specifications given by his mentor, Dr. John C. Lilly.

Addressing the buoyancy problem, in 1973 Glenn added enough salt so that people could actually float, creating the first commercial float tank.

Over the years manufacturers have come and gone. Some have returned. Samadhi never left. And the industry is alive and well.

In the beginning we made something to float in. To further floating and to sell more tanks we invented, designed, built and opened the first public floatation center -- 5 tanks in Beverly Hills, CA, U.S.A. And we continue to think, plan, design, build, be.

And we continue to think, plan, design, build, and expand our hearts.

Pioneers of:

  • Commercial Floating especially

    • Float Center Design

    • Automated floater timing systems

    • Shower directly in front of the tank

    • Prefloat Orientation

    • Supportive Floater Philosophy

    • Pricing to encourage floater return

  • Float Environments that are free of

    • Light, Sound,

    • Gravity,

    • Condensation,

    • Stuffiness

    • And of feeling Hot or Cold

  • Fanatical Owner Support



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