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Resources for the Float Community

FTA Resources

Our goal is to be the go-to resource for any step of your float center experience - from considering getting involved in the float industry, to your 10 year anniversary and beyond. Please reach out if you have any questions, or suggestions for information to add!

Member Resources

Our Members Area offers additional resources including recordings of our monthly Webinars, a collection of float research, as well as a place for you to connect with fellow float center owners! These are just a few of the reasons you should consider joining the FTA!

Manufacturers, Suppliers, & Consultants

We keep an updated list of companies that service the float industry. Whether you're looking to purchase your first tank, need to buy earplugs, or are ready to up your social media game - head on over to our Manufacturer, Suppliers, & Consultants Pages to find the best vendor for your needs.

FTA Resources & Best Practices

As the leading source of information for float center owners, the FTA is excited to share a growing list of best practices - from float tank standards to disinfection bulletins - we want to share it all. This set of resources is just getting started, so let us know what else you would like to see! 

Standards & Regulations

Looking for the latest health department codes or best practices for maintaining your float center? We keep our Standards & Regulations page up-to-date with information from health department and regulation setting organizations - so you can get the data without the hassle.

Industry Resources

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The Float Conference is the main event for the global float industry. Float center owners, manufacturers, researchers, suppliers, and those interested in joining the float industry all come out for a multi-day event full of presentations, workshops, and of course, parties.


On their website, you will also find recordings of past conference presentations!

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Art of the

Art of the Float is many things. A podcast that discusses adventures in running float centers. A vast collection of float images for marketing purposes that you can subscribe to. Plus, a Consulting, merchandise, marketing, and financial modeler firm. 

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Float Research 

The Float Research Collective aims to establish Floatation-REST as an accepted treatment that can be reimbursed by insurance providers and prescribed by doctors and healthcare professionals, raise funds for continued float research, and serve as an educational resource for the float industry. 


Here you will also find a comprehensive list of published float research.

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Float Tank Solutions

Float Tank Solutions - they help people to open and run float centers. They offer free resources, a podcast, a blog, and hands on training through virtual and in person apprenticeships and workshops. They also produce the State of the Industry Report!

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The Float Collective is a Canadian not for profit organization connecting new and existing float centers. One their website, you will find many of free resources for float centers! It is also a wildly used Facebook Group where float center owners can connect and collaborate.


The Facebook group is a great way to connect with fellow float center owners.

Find a Float Center

Here's a list of Float Centers who are FTA Members so you can find a place to float near you.


(Please let us know if your center isn't on here or needs to be updated!)

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