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The FTA endeavors to facilitate the support and education of our esteemed members through

the provision of comprehensive resources and pertinent information. However, it is incumbent

upon each member to diligently undertake their due diligence and ensure adherence to the

relevant state laws and complete coverage of all necessary information. The subsequent

waivers are presented solely as templates, serving as a foundation for customization to align

with the specific requirements and branding of your center. We strongly advise seeking the

professional expertise of an attorney to meticulously review your draft, guaranteeing its

compliance with all the requisite information mandated by your state.

Float Light - At Float Light, they ask the guest to complete a Guest Registration and a Wavier form on their first visit. If they guest checks certain boxes on the Registration, they are asked to sign an additional waiver, covering specific conditions. The 3 forms are below:

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