World Aquatic Health Conference 2023 presentation: Survey of Float Tank Operating Practices by Dr. Laura Suppes, Dr. Roy Vore, and Ashkahn Jahromi
This presentation shared the results of a study about disinfection for float tanks. It was presented at the 2023 World Aquatic Health Conference, hosted by the Pool & Hot Tub Association.
Key Take Aways
Recreational Water professionals are beginning to understand the importance of treating float tanks differently than pools and spas.
The file shows the extreme differences between float tanks and pools/spas.
The current, most commonly used guidelines for float tank disinfection are the Model Aquatic Health Code and the North American Float Tank Standards.
The presentation also covered the results of the FTA Microbiology Project.
When float tanks are operated according the FTA North American Float Tank Standard, the microbial health risk from bacteria in float solution is comparable to that in well maintained swimming pools and is substantially better than hot tubs.